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  • Wandering Dragons - The first nine years

    The Wandering Dragons Chess Club was founded in the summer of 1980 by James T Mullin, Jannic Konarski, Howard Nimmo and myself.
    However to describe the evolutionary process one has to go back to the spring of 1979.
    It was in the closing months of season 1978-79 that Stirling University Chess Club were enjoying their best ever season.
    The A team were pushing hard and were about to finish runners-up in the Central League and the club also reached the final of the Central League seven board cup.
    Stirling University Chess club boasted four league teams at this time and the C team finished second in division three of the Central League thus gaining promotion.
    Curiously enough it was this last, almost insignificant event which led to the formation of the Wandering Dragons. The C team captain was Jim Mullin and he, like myself, was just about to graduate.
    He was however so proud of his achievement as team captain that he wished to play for the Stirling University C team the following season in division two. Many times Jim turned up to play in these fixtures
    but each time he found himself as the only Stirling University player present. The club had gone down the nick and were finding it impossible to field three teams. Jim approached the club secretary and asked him if he could get together a bunch of his mates to fulfill the fixtures. This was where I came in!
    Jim, me, Jannic and others completed the season as Stirling University C and enjoyed it immensely - we also avoided relegation.
    At the AGM of the Central League in May 1980 we asked it we could do the same again. By this time Stirling University were unhappy about us playing under their name and the league secretary, Robert Togneri, told us that if we wished to enter a new team into the league we would have to apply for election into division three.
    Ah But 1 We do not wish to enter a new team into the league, we simply wish to change the name of Stirling University C. Well what do you want to change the name to? was the question. At this time we all (except for Jannic) played the Dragon variation of the Sicilian and it was pretty clear to me that as we had no equipment or premises we would have to play all our games away from home - hence the Wandering Dragons. Had that day turned out differently we may have been called The Five Degrees, as this was the name suggested by Robert Togneri.
    The Wandering Dragons Chess Club played their first match in August 1980 against Cumbernauld B in division two of the Central League and won 5-0. The team that night was Geoff Chandler, Jannic Konarski, Chris Donkin, Howard Nimmo and Jim Mullin. As the season progressed informal club nights were arranged and a club championship won by Geoff Chandler took place.
    The Green Tree in The Cowgate proved to be a regular haunt on Friday nights for the pioneering Dragons and many Edinburgh chess players, particularly those at Edinburgh University and in the Civil Service Chess Club,
    began to take an interest in our activities. By the summer of 1981, the founder members had been boosted
    by an influx of stalwarts-to-be Ferguson, Crorie, Sharp, Morgan, Poots, Gowland, Laing, Crichton, Cackette, Adams and Martin Donkin. Helped by a donation of dubious chess equipment from a defunct Edinburgh club,
    the Dragons applied for membership to the Edinburgh League.
    We were admitted directly into division two and won it at the first attempt, largely due to the efforts of Alan Ferguson and Ian Crorie on boards one and two. Their own personal love-hate relationship caused a 1982 edition of Capital Chess to observe 'some play the Kings Indian, some play the Queens Indian -
    Crorie and Ferguson still play cowboys and indians.'
    Club nights during 1981-82 took place at our first home - The Old Coach Inn in Canonmills and the club championship from that season featured this fairly typical drunken encounter-
    White JT Mullin v Black Rev S Gowland 1 e4 e5 2 f4 Bc5 3 exf Qh4+ 4 g3 Qxe4+
    5 Qe2 Oxhl 6 Nf3 b6 7 d3 Bg7 8 Nbd2 Nh6 9 b3 Bg4 10 Bb2 Bxf3 0-1
    In the summer of 1982 Mark Orr joined the Wandering Dragons Chess Club. Of all the many people who have joined this great club over the last nine years none has had such a major impact. Being a nostalgic type of person I tend to look back on the 1982-86 period as the halcyon days of the Wandering Dragons.
    This was the era of our first Spens Cup victory (over East Kilbride in 1983) and of our continued success within the Edinburgh League culminating in our championship season of 1985-86.
    This was also the era of that scurrilous, esoteric publication - the Wandering Dragons Chess Club Newsletter. This was a monthly rag sold to members containing member’s games, news, views and horrendous bouts of character assassination. The editors were Jannic Konarski, Mark Orr and The Rev Steve 'Greenteeth' Gowland in that order. In March 1983 the Newsletter featured this David and Goliath encounter from the club championship.
    White Derek Poots v Black Mark Orr 1 e4 c5 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 Qc2?! Nc6
    5 Od1? Nf6 6 Nge2 d6 7 Ng3 h5 8 d3?! h4 9 Nge2 h3
    10 g3? Bq4 11 Be3 Bf3 12 Rgi Ng4 13 Kd2 Nxh2 14 Qel? Bg4
    15 Kcl Nf3 16 Qdl Nxgl 17 Bxh3 Nxe2+ 18 Nxe2 Rxh3 19 f3 Bxf3
    20 Qf1 Qa5 21 Oxf3 Qxel+ 0-1.
    The rag also had it's own crossword and featured clues like
    (i) The Reverend could hardly be described as fastidious in this respect (6,7)
    (ii) A common sight in Derek Poots' games but also for that matter in
    those of Fischer and Tal (6,2,5)
    (iii) Jim Mullin's grading is certainly not
    going in this direction (2)
    (iv) Howard Nimmo's breath has been described
    as this (4).
    The answers are of course
    (i) dental hygeine
    (ii) pieces en prise
    (iii) up and
    (iv) foul.
    When the Reverend arrived in the editor's chair he tried a new style of journalism - treat your readers with complete and utter contempt. Hence his editorial from April 1984 began with the opening salvo
    'Yet again, WD NEWS is late in arriving, and yet again the reason is lack of interest from you the membership. A measly five pages is all you're getting, and that's more than you deserve.'
    This era also featured a move to better premises (ie from the Old Coach to the Trades Council) and a dramatic increase in membership. Success at the chessboard followed and the Dragons nabbed a Central League title in 1983, this of course was then followed by spens Cup and Edinburgh League titles.
    However bad news was just around the corner.
    After winning the Edinburgh and Lothians Chess League in 1985-86 everyone at the club was looking forward to season 1986-87 with great anticipation. Unfortunately the club secretary (Neil Clapperton) forgot to send in our entry to the local league. After a protracted dispute (which made the news pages of The Scotsman and The Glasgow Herald) the Dragons eventually found that they were unable to defend the title that they had won the previous season. At the time this seemed like the end of the world but in retrospect it can be seen as simply as a minor setback.
    Ironically during our 'slack' 1986-87 season, we were able to attract many strong new members -
    e.g. Craig Thomson, Tony Dempsey, Spike Mullen (no relation to the great Jim) Tony McClelland etc.
    After our enforced holiday we have returned to win the Edinburgh League in season 1987-88 and again in season 1988-89. We won the Central League Seven Board Cup for the first time in 1988, the Cafe Royal Oyster Bar Chess Challenge in 1987, our ladies have won the Robertson Cup in 1987 and 1989
    and we won the Spens Cup for a second time in 1987. Most important of all however was last year's Richardson Cup win. After nine short years we have achieved what many clubs have failed to do in a century - winning the Scottish Team Championship.
    Here's hoping the next nine years are half as good as the last!

    Article extracted from program of match Wandering Dragons Chess Club v Honved of Budapest 1990 by Chris Donkin

    For the record the team pools were –

    1 Mark Orr (IM) 2375
    2 Craig Thomson (FM) 2345
    3 Graham Morrison (FM) 2340
    4 Spike Mullen 2190
    5 Tony Dempsey 2180
    6 Paul Hampton 2100
    7 Graham Hamilton 2015
    8 Pete Szalapaj 1995
    9 David Wallace 1920
    10 Tony McClelland 1920

    1 G Sax (GM) 2610
    2 J Pinter (GM) 2550
    3 J Horvath (IM) 2510
    4 L I lazai (IM) 2460
    5 C Horvath (IM) 2445
    6 P Petran (IM) 2440
    7 J Palkovi (FM) 2425
    8 L Liptay (IM) 2405
    9 T Fogarasi (FM) 2370
    10 E Nagy (IM) 2360
    11 T Utasi (IM) 2345
    12 M Orso (IM) 2345

    FOOTNOTE by Don Heron When this (the 86-87 season dispute) was reported, in the press, the league secretary was reported as threatening to resign over this petty issue and won his case by saying that without law and order we have nothing: discipline is happiness. This is pretty much the opposite to that which most dragons believe in: i.e. individual freedom and not manipulating other people. I agree with St. Paul when he wrote that we do not fight flesh and blood (other people) but with "powers and principalities" (human authority). Most ordinary people are quite capable of getting on with each other and organising until the few who want to impose their will on the vast majority come along and spoil it for everyone. As Tony Benn said: each generation has to fight again to retain their freedom.

    History of the Wandering Dragons chess club web-site

    The purpose of these pages is simple: it is so that if anyone searches the web looking for a chess club in Edinburgh then they will find that we exist, that we are a small club, that we are ordinary people rather than posh drawing room types, that we think about lots of other things besides chess and that we always welcome new members.

    We are not expert in writing web pages. When it was first done we used Front Page express, a free program from Microsoft. When this stopped we just wrote in basic html. Then we discovered CSS and used that for formatting so that the html was kept simple. At present it is a simple combination of html and CSS with no scripts or anything like that added by us. At one point my ISP, who was giving free web space, stopped doing this, so we had to find a new provider of space. At that time Google provided space through Googlepages where we could keep most of our pages the same but then Google changed so that we would have to comletely redo our pages using Google-provided methods. I asked for help in the Chess Scotland notice board and got a lot of help there and chose the best suggestion of going with 110mb. At this time we took the oportunity to do some redesign because our design is not consistent as we have been learning while doing.

    Given the above, we were, therefore, horrified when we did a search for chess clubs in Edinburgh and found that, on some search engines, page after page of just one chess club with, maybe, the odd entry for something else. Part of the reason why the Wandering Dragons chess club in Edinburgh does not appear might be due to having moved from ISP to wanderingdragonscc on googlepages to 110mb. Looking deeper, I found some broken links and a lack of a Sitemap (which Google likes). So, I then started to make some changes and then found that I could not login to 110mb anymore. I discovered that I was not alone in this so decided to make the move to 000Webhost.com

    Updated Aug 2012