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  • Man's Recreational Objectives

    By Mark Condie I.M.

    1. Mental Intelligence
    2. Physical Intelligence
    3. Spiritual Intelligence

    1: Chess:-

    The most played world-wide board game activity that trains and strengthens the mind. As a player you are automatically placed like a general in charge of your army ( forces ). It develops logical thought and systematic approach. Allows the imaginative and analytical thought processes to be developed. The chess player is therefore a very mentally developed beast in comparison with someone who does not play to any great extent. Objective:- To popularise the above recreational activity there by increasing the overall mental capabilities of each individual who lives on planet Earth. The following is a suggested route to achieve this objective at the same time over coming many barbaric and primitive recreational activities that are not only dated but arguably are completely counter-productive installing thoughtlessness and uncontrolled violence within society.

    The Vision

    In order to sell the aforementioned to the masses it will be necessary to disguise the chess game in a highly charged environment of sex and controlled violence, which will allow audience participation- a completely unique concept.

    2. Martial Arts (Kung Fu):-

    Controlled mental and physical intelligence. Sword fencing of limbs is performed which is fast and furious where each move is completely deadly and yet results with both parties neither being hurt nor injured, a truly wonderful spectacle.

    The Arena (Stadium)

    A giant sized board placed in the centre of the stadium with Martial Artists selected as the pieces, who, through time will be known individually for their physical prowess and expertise. As each piece is captured the respective pieces will perform a stage managed battle which will be filmed and shown on giant size display boards so as that all the spectators get a birds-eye view of each battle. Provocative cheer leaders will cheer the respective contenders.

    The Chess Players

    The chess players will be raised above ground-level. If a male player he will be surrounded by a team of beautiful women in provocative clothing. If a female player she will be surrounded by handsome males in suitable attire. Once a move has been selected the player concerned will nominate an individual from his/her allocated team to run down from the chess players box, who will be given the responsibility of running and climbing up ladders to start their opponents clock. A giant chess clock is placed at the side of the board. This process is repeated with every move.

    The Spectators

    Will each have an electronic device which allows them to predict the moves of the masters. These electronic signals will go to a central processing unit. At the end of the game prizes will be allocated not only to the players but to the spectators who have guessed correctly the moves of the masters on most occasions (e.g. free holidays etc.)

    What is gained from such a contrived spectacle?

    Through elevating the chess player above ground level [i.e. above the physical contest ( that of the chess pieces )], we are making the obvious statement that mental intelligence is on a higher ground than that of physical intelligence. Highlighted by the fact that each chess player would appear to have his/her choice of the opposite sex ( his/her team players in their respective boxes ). With regard to the physical violence on show, this would be clearly explained and shown that above all else that through martial arts it is possible to achieve maximum physical intelligence and yet at the same time that this physical energy can be completely controlled without hurting or damaging ones opponent.

    International competition

    For international competition the chess pieces would be clothed in their respective national dress. Nigel Short (International Grand master and world champion ship contender), said to Mark in Lewis 1995 " An idea that is simply 50 years ahead of its time".

    3. Spiritual Intelligence:-

    Summary of Christianity

    Mortal man does not know the truth

    The mortal man needs to be called out of the darkness into the marvellous light.

    Q- What are we without faith and belief?

    A- Nothing other than dead and full of darkness. With faith and belief and all that that entails only then can one be made truly whole and be called unto liberty and freedom.

    Q- What are we with belief?

    A- We are no longer man, but heir's to the throne and adopted sons and daughters of God through Lord Jesus Christ.

    Q- What are we made up of after we believe?

    A- Our flesh and mind is of Lord Christ, the heart is God's, the spirit is of God and is called the holy-ghost, the soul is also God's to take away or deliver or save, our bowels are of the saints.

    Q- How shall we live as believers?

    A- We should follow the spirit at all times and not fleshy lusts or wants, in other words we should be developing our spiritual understanding and should walk and think in terms of the spirit, allowing sanctification of the spirit to take place. He that continually sows with the spirit will reap eternal life. He that sows by the flesh will reap corruption and death, for to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. The COMFORTER we receive is the holy-ghost who teaches you all things. And circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the flesh, whose praise is not of men, but of God.

    By the spirit, Lord Jesus Christ will live in our hearts. Lord Jesus Christ said, "It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God". Hence should man abide by this teaching he ceases to be man and becomes a true adopted son of God.

    The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Lord Jesus Christ.

    If any man is in Lord Jesus Christ, he is a new creature, behold all things become new [hence the phrase born again]. For you are dead and your life is hid within Lord Jesus Christ in God. [Lord Jesus Christ is standing on the right hand of God.

    We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world onto our glory.

    The head of every man is Lord Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Lord Christ is God.

    O to inhabit eternity! - the new world, which God that cannot lie has promised, giving hope of life eternal, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away.

    Do not love this world or the things that are in this world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in this world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Seek no earthly treasures but heavenly ones from the kingdom of God.

    He that does not love others does not know God because God is love. Follow peace and holiness with all men, and have eternal glory in Lord Christ our saviour.

    New commandment- "That you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another" [said by Lord Jesus Christ].

    Follow God our father (spiritual father) and Lord Christ’s commandments.


    for sons and daughters of God to think and talk about at all times :- Loving kindness, judgement, righteousness, peace, understanding, wisdom, truth, mercy, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering, patience ( in all her marvellous works ), joy of great quietness, glorious, astonishment, comfort, pureness, honour, riches, rejoice, gentleness, honest, blessing, power, knowledge, strength, gracious, godliness, holiness, beautify, belief, compassion and thankfulness, the gospel of peace and the scripture of truth, and now abideth faith, hope and charity, but the greatest of these is charity. May a multitude and an abundance abound of loving kindness and a peace be with you all this I ask in the name of God our father and his son and our saviour Lord Christ. AMEN. (One universal God for one universal mankind = peace Amen. May God's countenance shine upon you for all eternity.)


    In conclusion we could use recreation to develop man's mental, physical and spiritual intelligence. Finally, God is infinite and spans ossinity* (negative infinity) to infinity (positive infinity) - possibly beyond human comprehension.

    * Apologies mathematicians

    Updated Dec 2013