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  • (115) Grant,J (2255) - Heron,D (1820) [A93]
    Borders Chess Congress, 29.06.1996

    A93: Classical Dutch: Classical Stonewall: 7 b3 This game was submitted to Scottish Chess but it was never published. What do you think? 1.c4 e6 2.Nf3 f5 The Dutch is not quite sound v the English 3.g3 Nf6 4.Bg2 Be7 5.0-0 0-0 6.d4 d5 7.b3

    white reveals his plan 7...Nbd7 [7...b6 8.Nc3 Ne4 9.Nxe4 fxe4 10.Ne5 Bb7 11.Bh3 Qd6 12.Bf4 Rf6 13.Ng6 Qd8 14.Nxe7+ Qxe7 15.Bg5 Nd7 16.Rc1 Qd6 17.Bxf6 gxf6 18.f3 dxc4 19.bxc4 f5 20.fxe4 Bxe4 21.Qd2 Kh8 22.Qc3 Rf8 23.Rf4 Kg8 24.Rcf1 c5 25.d5 e5 26.Rxf5 Bxf5 27.Bxf5 Nf6 28.Be6+ Kg7 29.Rf5 Ne4 30.Qe3 Rxf5 31.Bxf5 Nf6 32.Qg5+ Kf8 33.Be6 Ne8 34.Qg8+ Ke7 35.Qxh7+ Kd8 36.Qxa7 Nc7 37.Qb8+ Ke7 38.a4 1-0 Henley,R-Castro Rojas,O/Budapest 1981/EXT 98 (38)] 8.Ng5 pointless - irritant value only [8.Ba3 c5 9.cxd5 Nxd5 10.Nbd2 b6 11.e4 fxe4 12.Nxe4 N5f6 13.Nxf6+ Bxf6 14.Ne5 Rb8 15.Nc6 Qc7 16.Nxb8 Qxb8 17.Bb2 Qd6 18.Rc1 Bxd4 19.Bxd4 Qxd4 20.Bh3 e5 21.Qe2 Qd6 22.Rcd1 Qc7 Asensio Soto,F-Tovar,D/Once 1993/EXT 98/1-0 (41)] 8...Nb8 9.Ba3N [9.h4 h6 (9...c6 10.Nd2 Bd6 11.Ndf3 Qe8 12.Ne5 Nbd7 13.Nd3 Nh5 14.e3 Nhf6 15.Qc2 Ne4 16.Nf3 Ndf6 17.Nfe5 Bd7 18.a4 Qe7 19.Bb2 Rad8 20.Qc1 Kh8 21.Ba3 Rg8 22.Bxd6 Nxd6 23.Nf4 Be8 24.Bf3 Denker,A-Dorsch,T/Ventura 1971/EXT 98/1-0 (39)) 10.Nh3 Ne4 11.Nf4 g5 12.Ng6 Rf7 13.Nxe7+ Qxe7 14.hxg5 hxg5 15.Bxe4 dxe4 16.Nc3 Nd7 17.Qd2 Rg7 18.Bb2 Nf6 19.Kg2 f4 20.Rh1 Bd7 21.Qc2 e3 22.Ne4 exf2 23.Kxf2 Ng4+ 24.Ke1 Ne3 25.Qd3 Rf8 26.Kd2 Bc6 27.Rhg1 e5 28.d5 Rd8 29.Qc3 Nxd5 30.cxd5 Bxd5 31.Nc5 Bc4+ 32.Nd3 Bxd3 33.exd3 Qd7 34.gxf4 Qh3 35.Qc4+ Kf8 36.Bxe5 Rgd7 37.d4 Qh2+ 38.Qe2 Rxd4+ 39.Ke3 Qh3+ 40.Kf2 Rd2 0-1 Linn,G-Kuhner,M/Estes Park 1987/EXT 97 (40)] 9...Bxa3 10.Nxa3 Qe7 11.Nc2 c6 12.Ne1 Nbd7 13.Qc2

    13...Ng4 right idea - wrong move order [13...dxc4 14.bxc4 Ng4 15.Ngf3=] 14.Ngf3² dxc4 15.Qxc4! Nb6 16.Qc3 Nd5 17.Qb2 b6 18.Nd3 Bb7 19.Rac1 Rac8 20.h3 Ngf6 21.Nfe5 Ne4 22.Kh2 Qg5

    Black prepares f4 23.Nf3 Qh6 24.Rc2 g5 again right idea (black must attack on the kinside) - wrong pawn push [24...f4!? 25.gxf4 Nxf4=] 25.Qc1 f4 black is still playing all the right moves but not in the best order [25...c5 26.dxc5 bxc5 27.Nd2± (27.Nxc5?! Nb4=) ] 26.gxf4± Nxf4 27.Nxf4 gxf4 28.b4 Rc7 29.Ng1 [29.Qa3 a6±] 29...c5 [29...Qg6!? is worthy of consideration 30.Bxe4 Qxe4=] 30.dxc5 Bd5

    the best practical chance - especially as white was very short of time 31.cxb6 Rg7 Do you see the mate threat? My opponent, who had less than 1 minute on his clock, did not. 32.Rc7??

    throws away the game [¹32.Nf3 axb6 33.Rc8±] 32...Rxg2+! it's all over 33.Kxg2 Decoy theme: g2 [33.Kh1 cannot undo what has already been done 33...Rxf2 34.Rg7+ Qxg7 35.Rxf2 Nxf2+ 36.Kh2 Qg2#] 33...Qg6+ [33...Nxf2+ 34.e4 fxe3+ 35.Nf3 Qxh3+ 36.Kg1 Qg3#] 34.Kh2 [34.Kh1 hardly improves anything 34...Nxf2+ 35.Kh2 Qg2#] 34...Nxf2!! a decisive sacrifice 35.Rxf2 Decoy to f2 [35.Rg7+ doesn't improve anything 35...Qxg7 36.Rxf2 Qg3#] 35...Qg3# Theme: Double Attack 0-1

    Updated Aug 2012