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  • Heron,D - Plater,R
    Northumberland (4), 29.09.2002
    [Fritz 7 (30s)/D.Heron]

    Starting from the critical position from this game...

    24.e5 Bd8 [24...Be7 25.h4=] 25.d5 opening the long dark diagonal after first closing it [¹25.Ne4!? is noteworthy 25...Rf8 26.dxc5 Nxc5 27.Nd6=] 25...exd5 26.e6 Nf6 27.exf7+ Kxf7 28.Rxe8 Kxe8 [¹28...Nxe8!? has some apparent merit 29.Qd3 Ne7³] 29.Qd3 white is now better due to the exposed black king 29...Kf7 30.Bxf6 Bxf6 31.Qxd5+ Qe6 32.Qh5 I could not resist pinning the awkwardly placed knight [32.Rxc5 Qxd5 33.Rxd5 Ke6±] 32...c4 white must still be better due to the bad placing of the king and knight 33.Re1 [33.Qa5 does not strike me as better than the move actually played 33...Rc8 but even here white is still better] 33...Qc6 34.Ne4 Be7?? lets it slip away [34...Re7 35.Qf5 Fritz thinks this is equal but I would rather be white] 35.Qf5+ I do not know how I missed Ne5+ (a one move fork winning the queen - I was short of time and needed to make the time control but even so... [¹35.Ne5+ and White has prevailed 35...Kf8 36.Qf5+ Kg8 37.Nxc6 (37.Qxg6?! is a weaker possibility 37...Qxg6 38.Nxg6 Bxa3+-) 37...Rxc6 38.Qd5+ Kh7 39.Qxc6+-] 35...Bf6?? [¹35...Kg8!?= would keep Black alive] 36.Nd4 I prefer this to Rd1 as it brings in another piece with tempo [36.Rd1!? Re7 37.Nfg5+ hxg5 38.Nxg5+ Kf8 39.Rd8+ Re8 40.Qxg6 Bxg5 41.Qxc6 Bxd8 42.Qxc4 Bf6+-] 36...Qd7

    [¹36...Ne7!? 37.Qh5+ g6 38.Qxh6 Bxd4 39.Ng5+ Ke8+-] 37.Ne6!+- a brilliant end according to fritz and I agree even although I didn't get the best follow-up 37...Ne5 [37...Qxe6 Decoy theme: e6 38.Ng5+ A double attack] 38.N4g5+ [38.Nxf6!? this (found by fritz) finishes black off much faster than going into the ending - which is also won for white 38...Qxe6 39.Qxe6+ Kxe6 40.Ng4+-] 38...hxg5± 39.Rxe5 Rb7 [¹39...g6!? and Black can hope to live 40.Nxg5+ Kg7 41.Ne6+ Kf7±] 40.Nxg5++- Kf8 41.Nh7+ Kf7 42.Nxf6 Qxf5 43.Rxf5 gxf6 44.Rc5 Rb3 45.a4 c3 46.h4 Kg6 47.Kf1 Ra3 48.a5 c2 49.Rxc2 Rxa5 50.Rc7 Ra2 51.Kg2 a5 [51...f5 52.Rc6+ Kg7 53.h5±] 52.Ra7 [52.g4 Kh6±] 52...Kh5 [52...f5!?±] 53.Ra6+- f5 54.Kf3 [54.Rf6 f4 55.Rxf4 Kg6+-] 54...a4 [54...f4 55.gxf4 Rc2 56.Rxa5+ Kxh4 57.Ke4+-] 55.Ra5 [¹55.Rf6!?+-] 55...Kg6± 56.h5+ Kxh5 57.Rxf5+ Kg6 58.Ra5 Kf6 59.Ke3 Ra3+ 60.Kf4 Ra2 61.f3 a3 [61...Ke6 62.g4+-] 62.Ra6+ Kg7 63.Kf5 [63.g4 Rc2 64.Rxa3 Rc6+-] 63...Ra1 [63...Rg2 64.Ra7+ Kg8 65.g4+-] 64.f4 a2 65.g4 Kf7 [65...Rb1 66.Ra7+ Kf8 67.Rxa2 Rb7+-] 66.Ra7+ Ke8 67.g5 Kf8 [67...Rc1 is one last hope 68.Rxa2 Rc6+-] 68.Kf6 Ke8 69.f5 [69.f5 Rc1 70.Rxa2 Rc6+ 71.Kg7 Rc7+ 72.Kg6+-] 1-0

    Updated Aug 2012