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  • (406) Richard Kynoch (W.dragons) - Jonathan Grant (Ed. West) [B12]
    Edinburgh Premier, 30.01.2008
    [Fritz 10 (24s)]

    B12: Caro-Kann: Advance Variation 12MB, SONY1 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.f3 e6 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Be3 Nf6 [5...dxe4 6.a3 Bxc3+ 7.bxc3 Qa5 (7...exf3 8.Nxf3 Nf6 9.Bd3 Nbd7 10.0-0 0-0 11.Ne5 Nd5 12.Bxh7+ Kxh7 13.Qh5+ Kg8 14.Nxf7 N7f6 15.Nh6+ gxh6 16.Qg6+ Kh8 17.Bg5 Qe8 18.c4 Rg8 ½-½ Offringa,J (1783)-Reyniers,P (1625)/Hengelo 2005/CBM 107 ext) 8.fxe4 Qxc3+ 9.Bd2 Qxd4 10.Bd3 e5 11.Nf3 Qc5 12.Qe2 Bg4 13.Bb4 Qb6 14.Bc4 Nd7 15.0-0-0 Ngf6 16.Bxf7+ Kxf7 17.Rxd7+ Nxd7 18.Ng5+ Ke8 19.Qxg4 c5 20.Bc3 Gallagher,J (2405)-Conquest,S (2395)/BCF-ch 1987/TD/0-1 (43)] 6.e5 Nfd7 7.f4N [7.a3 Bxc3+ 8.bxc3 f5 9.f4 Qc7 10.Nf3 h6 11.c4 dxc4 12.Bxc4 Nb6 13.Bb3 Na6 14.0-0 Bd7 15.c4 0-0 16.Qe2 Be8 17.Qf2 Bf7 18.a4 Rac8 19.Rfd1 Bh5 20.a5 Nd7 21.d5 cxd5 Kripp,W-Schreyer,A/Hessen-chS 1992/GER/1-0 (45)] 7...b6 Black has a cramped position 8.Nf3 Ba6 9.Bxa6 Nxa6 10.Qe2 White threatens to win material: Qe2xa6 10...Nc7 Black has a cramped position 11.0-0 Bxc3 12.bxc3 b5 13.f5 exf5 14.Bg5 Qc8 15.e6 [¹15.Nh4 and White has air to breath 15...g6 16.Rxf5±] 15...Nxe6µ 16.Nh4 g6 17.Nxf5 [¹17.Bh6!?µ] 17...gxf5-+ 18.Rxf5 0-0 [¹18...h6 Black has the better game 19.Bh4 Ndf8-+] 19.Bh6= White threatens to win material: Bh6xf8 19...Qc7 [19...Qd8 20.Bxf8 A) 20...Kxf8 21.Qxe6 f6 22.Rg5 fxg5 23.Rf1+ Kg7 24.Rf7+ Kh8 25.Rxd7 (25.Qxd7?! Qxd7 26.Rxd7 Re8=) 25...Qxd7 26.Qxd7+-; B) 20...Nexf8?! 21.Qf3³; C) 20...Qxf8³ ] 20.Raf1² Qd6 21.Qg4+ Kh8

    22.Rxf7?? not a good decision, because now the opponent is right back in the game. [¹22.Bxf8 Nexf8 23.Rxf7²] 22...Rxf7-+ 23.Rxf7 Rg8 24.Qf5

    24...Nef8?? ruins a clearly superior position [¹24...Rg6 and Black could have gained the advantage 25.Qh5 Nef8 26.Bxf8 Nxf8-+] 25.Bf4+- Rxg2+ 26.Kxg2 Qg6+ 27.Qxg6 hxg6 [27...Nxg6 a fruitless try to alter the course of the game 28.Rxd7 Nxf4+ 29.Kf3+-] 28.Be5+ Nxe5 29.dxe5 Ne6 [29...Kg8 does not save the day 30.Rxa7 c5 31.Rb7+-] 30.Rf6 Nc5 31.Rxc6 [¹31.e6!? might be the shorter path 31...Ne4 32.Rf8+ Kg7+-] 31...Ne4 32.e6 Kg7 33.Rc7+ Kf6 [33...Kf8 cannot change what is in store for ? 34.e7+ Ke8 35.Rxa7+-] 34.e7 Kf7 35.Rxa7 Nxc3 [35...g5 is not the saving move 36.Kf3 Nxc3 37.Ke3+-] 36.Kf3 b4 37.Ke3 [37.Kf4 keeps an even firmer grip 37...g5+ 38.Ke5 g4+-] 37...Ke8 [37...Nb5 38.Rb7 Nd6 39.Rxb4 Kxe7 40.a4 Nf5+ 41.Kd3+-] 38.a3 [¹38.Rb7 makes it even easier for White 38...g5+-] 38...d4+ [38...bxa3 is still a small chance 39.Rxa3 Nb5+-] 39.Kd3 bxa3 40.Rxa3 Kxe7 [40...Nd5 a last effort to resist the inevitable 41.Kc4 Nf4+-] 41.Rxc3 dxc3 42.Kxc3 Kd7 43.Kd4 Kd6 44.h4 [¹44.Ke4 nails it down 44...Kd7+-] 44...Ke6 45.Ke4 Kf6 46.Kd5 Kf5 47.c4 Kg4 48.c5 Kxh4 49.c6 g5 50.c7 g4 [50...Kg3 cannot undo what has already been done 51.Ke4 Kh3 52.c8Q+ Kg3 53.Qf5 g4 54.Qh5 Kg2 55.Qxg4+ Kf2 56.Kd3 Kf1 57.Ke3 Ke1 58.Qg1#] 51.c8Q g3 [51...Kh3 does not win a prize 52.Qc3+ Kg2 53.Ke4 Kf2 54.Qd2+ Kg3 55.Qe3+ Kg2 56.Qe2+ Kg3 57.Kf5 Kh3 58.Kf4 g3 59.Qc2 g2 60.Qh7#] 52.Ke4 [52.Ke5 g2 53.Kf4 Kh5 54.Qg8 Kh6 55.Kf5 g1Q 56.Qh8#] 52...g2 [52...Kg5 doesn't change anything anymore 53.Qf5+ Kh6 54.Qf6+ Kh7 55.Qg5 g2 56.Qxg2 Kh6 57.Kf5 Kh7 58.Kf6 Kh6 59.Qh1#] 53.Kf4 [53.Kf4 Kh5 54.Qg8 Kh6 55.Kf5 g1Q 56.Qh8#] 1-0

    Updated Aug 2012