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  • 2007


    Alan Tate – beat Colin MacNab (GM).  A tremendous result for a club player.


    Team Results 06/07

     Dragons2 go into the second half on equal points with Musselburgh





    Eoin Campbell – grading prize in open

    Jannic Konarski – 2nd in Major



    Major – Jannic Konarski 3rd=



    Knights – Jannic Konarski 1st



    Seniors Championship – Eoin Campbell 1st

    U1500 Championship – David Cubitt 1st

    U1800 Championship – Don Heron 2nd= 



    Major (u150) – Eoin Campbell 1st


    East of Scotland

    Eoin Campbell – 2nd 


    Team Results 05/06

     Excellent year for Dragons3 with a 100% performance.

     Not so good for Dragons1 and 2.




    Open – Alan Minnican 2nd=

    Major – Stephen MacGregor 1st


    Glasgow one day

    Minor – Bill Falconer 1st



    President’s prize – Stephen MacGregeo 1st



    Major U156 – Eoin Campbell 2nd=



    2nd= – Jannic Konarski


    Nancy Elder 2005

    Winner – Jannic Konarski


    Hawick 2005

    Challengers – Jannic Konarski 1st 4/5


    South Lakes 2005

    Major U161 – Don Heron 2nd= 4/5


    Edinburgh 2005

    Premier – Andy Burnett 1st=


    Alan Tate U2100 prize

    Eoin Campbell U1900 prize

    Challengers Ian Mason 1st=


    Douglas Will 1st=



    Team Results 04/05

    ·                    Dragons1 4-2 Dragons2

    ·                    Lasswade1 4½-1½ Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons1 5-1 Pent.Hills1

    ·                    Dragons3 3-3 Mussleburgh2

    ·                    Corstorphine2 2-4 Dragons3

    ·                    Edinburgh1 5-1 Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons1 5½-½ Edin. West

    ·                    Dragons2 2½-3½ Pent.Hills

    ·                    Dragons1 4-2 Edinburgh1

    ·                    Dragons 5½-2½ Irvine Porthead

    ·                    Ed.West1 3-3 Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons1 6-0 Lasswade

    ·                    Dragons 5-3 Glasgow Polytechnic

    ·                    Dragons1 4½-½ Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons2 3-3 Lasswade

    ·                    Pent.Hills1 1½-4½ Dragons1

    ·                    Dragons1 win Premier 8/8 with 2 games in hand

    ·                    Dragons2 1½-4½ Edinburgh1

    ·                    Pent.Hills1 2-4 Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons2 4½-1½ Edin.West1

    ·                    Livingston 1½-4½ Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons2 stay in premier – Dragons are the only club with 2 teams in premier for 2nd year running



    Challengers – Jannic Konarski 2nd=



    Premier – Alan Tate – grading prize

    Challengers – Ian Mason – 1st


    Richard Carter 2nd=


    Scottish Open

    Alan Tate, Walter Burnett joint 1st


    East of Scotland

    Championship – Don Heron 2nd =



    Major – Don Heron 2nd


    Personal News

    An original member of the dragons (Ian [Spike] Mullen) has died this month (August 04).  He was a very strong player and chess author until incapacitated by illness.  He will be missed very much by his friends.


    Team Results 03/04

    ·                    DragonsA win the Central League

    ·                    Dragons3 win Division1

    ·                    Dragons4 win division 3 easily

    ·                    Dragons1 and 2 both do well enough to stay in the premier league



    Team Results 03/04

    ·                    Dragons3 4½-1½ Juniper Green

    ·                    Corstorphine 3-3 Dragons3

    ·                    Dragons1 4½-1½ Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons1 3½-2½ S Bells

    ·                    Dragons3 4½-1½ Edinburgh2

    ·                    Dunfermline 2-3 DragonsA

    ·                    Dragons 7-1 Irvine (rich. cup)

    ·                    Edin.West2 1-5 Dragons3

    ·                    Lasswade1 3½-2½ Dragons1

    ·                    Dragons1 3-2 Cumbernauld

    ·                    Dragons2 defaulted to Ed.West1

    ·                    GrangemouthA 2½-2½ DragonsA

    ·                    Dragons3 4½-1½ Edinburgh3

    ·                    Dragons1 1½-4½ Edin.West1

    ·                    Musselburgh1 3-3 Dragons3

    ·                    Dragons1 2½-3½ Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons1 3-3 Edinburgh1

    ·                    Stan.Life 2-4 Dragons3

    ·                    Dragons3 3-3 Pent.Hills1

    ·                    University2 2-4 Dragons3

    ·                    Ed.West1 4-2 Dragons1

    ·                    Dragons in the final of the 6 board cup v Grangemouth

    ·                    DragonsA 2½-2½ Dunfermline – this means DragonsA win the Central League

    ·                    Gorgie ½-5½ Dragons3

    ·                    Dragons3 5½-½ University1 - this means Dragons3 win Division1

    ·                    Dragons4 win division 3 easily

    ·                    Dragons1 and 2 both do well enough to stay in the premier league


    Oban Nov. 2003

    Minor – David Cubitt 1st

    Challengers – Jannic Konarski 2nd



    Sept. 2003

    Open – Mark Orr 2nd=

    Challengers – J. Konarski, D.Dick 2nd=

    Minor – David Cubitt 3rd=


    Marymass Reserve

    David Cubitt 3rd =


    Chessbase Grand Prix

    Challengers section

    Jannic Konarski 1st

    Don Heron 3rd


    Club Championship

    This has started – details:-

    ·                    No time limit to enter

    ·                    No definite finishing date

    ·                    Time control is 1 hr per player

    ·                    Highest score wins if all games not played

    ·                    Limit on number of entries – 20

    ·                    To enter just add your name to list on the club notice board

    ·                    Recording of moves - optional


    Hawick Challengers

    Jannic Konarski 2nd=



    Don Heron 2nd=


    Scottish week major

    Richard Carter 1st=


    Scottish lightning

    Bill Falconer 1st


    Scottish Candidates

    Dave Wallace 1st=

    Richard Carter grading prize

    Duncan Stuart grading prize


    Blackpool Major


    Jannic Konarski 1st=

    Martin Wallace 1st=


    Bankton Allegro 2/2/2003

    Andrew Burnett 1st=


    Lothians Major

    Richard Carter 1st= 4½/5


    Lothians stars-barred (u2150) 10/1/2003

    Don Heron shared u1880 grading prize on 3/5


    Oban Challengers 22/11/2002

    Don Heron 1st= with 4/5


    Deans (White Knights) Allegro 6/10/02

    Jannic Konarski 2nd


    Team results 02/03

    ·                    Dragons3 0-6 Musselburgh (default)

    ·                    Dragons3 4-2 Dragons2

    ·                    DragonsB 4-1 Stirling C

    ·                    Dragons B beat Dunfermline B

    ·                    DragonsA 4-1 GrangemouthB

    ·                    Dragons1 3½-2½ Pentland Hills1

    ·                    Lasswade1 2-4 Dragons1

    ·                    Dragons2 2-4 Musselburgh

    ·                    Dragons3 2-4 Civil Service

    ·                    Dragons 7½-½ Inverclyde

    ·                    Civil Service ½-5½ Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons1 2½ - 3½ Edinburgh1

    ·                    DragonsA 1½ - 3½ StirlingA

    ·                    GrangemouthA 1½ - 3½ DragonsA

    ·                    Edinburgh2 2-4 Dragons3

    ·                    Dragons1 3-3 Edinburgh West

    ·                    Dragons3 3-3 Edinburgh3

    ·                    Dragons2 3½ - 2½ Edinburgh2

    ·                    Dragons1 4½ - 1½ Lasswade

    ·                    DunfermlineA 3-2 DragonsA

    ·                    DunfermlineB 2-3 DragonsB

    ·                    Edinburgh3 ½-5½ Dragons2

    ·                    Cumbernauld 2½-2½ DragonsA

    ·                    Dragons2 6-0 Corstorphine1

    ·                    Dragons3 4½-1½ Balerno

    ·                    Dragons4 4-2 Sandy Bells2

    ·                    Pentland Hills 1-5 Dragons1

    ·                    Balerno1 2-4 Dragons2

    ·                    Dragons1 4½-½ Sandy Bells1

    ·                    DragonsB 4-1 StirlingC

    ·                    Dragons3 5½-½ Juniper Green

    ·                    DragonsA 2½-2½ DunfermlineA

    ·                    Dragons3 3½-2½ University1

    ·                    Dragons2 5½-½ Juniper Green

    ·                    Edinburgh1 3-3 Dragons1

    ·                    University1 3-3 Dragons2

    ·                    EdinburghWest2 2½-3½ Dragons3

    ·                    StrilingB 2½-2½ DragonsB

    ·                    DragonsB 5-0 DunfermlineB

    ·                    Edin.West1 1-5 Dragons1

    ·                    Dragons2 3½-2½ Edin.West2

    ·                    Dragons2 win div1 on same points as Dragons3; Dragons1 are 2nd in premier.

    ·                    DragonsB win central league 2nd div

    ·                    DragonsA 3-2 GrangemouthA

    ·                    StirlingA 2-3 DragonsA

    ·                    GrangemouthC ½-4½ DragonsA

    ·                    DragonsA win central league 1st div


    Lothians Allegro

    Major 28/9/02

    Bill Falconer 1st=


    Northumberland Major 27-29/9/2002

    Don Heron 1st with 4½/5

    Jannic Konarski 2nd= with 4/5


    AGM 4/9/2002

    ·                    Team Captains for 2002/3 decided

    ·                    Nancy Elder competitor decided

    ·                    Club Championship arrangements decided:

    ·                    (There will be a card on the club notice board on which anyone can add their name and record the results of any game.  Time limits will be the same as ELCA league games)

    ·                    List of library books on notice board and web pages.

    ·                    A printed list of all team members will be available to all captains.


    Marymass Major

    Jannic Konarski 2nd=


    Scottish weekend challengers

    Jannic Konarski 1st with 4½/5


    Scottish weekend major

    Richard Carter 1st 5/5


    Scottish 1 week Open

    Don Heron was 2nd=


    Chessbase Grand Prix

    Don Heron 2nd in challengers section


    Hawick Congress

    Challengers won by Jannic Konarski with 4/5



    Dragons-2 win division 1


    Central League

    Dragons win central league


    6 board knockout

    Dragons win the knockout by beating Stirling 4-2 in the final


    2 Nov 2001

    Glasgow open

    Alan Andrew won the grading prize


    29 Sept 2001

    Scottish Allegro Championship

    Major (u1600) was won by Bill Falconer.

    Jannic Konarski was 3rd in the Challengers (u1900).


    9 Sept 2001

    Grangemouth Congress

    Challengers (u1900) 3rd place by D. Heron with 4 points out of 5. He was leading the field until a final round loss to I. Mason, a strong Grangemouth player.


    26 August 2001

    Marymass Congress

    Major (u1900) win by D. Heron with 4 ½ points – the ½ was bye in round 1. The result was made more remarkable by a car breakdown on the Sunday morning resulting in losing 50 mins on the clock.  J. Konarski was in the same car and also won his game and shared the third prize.


    26 June 2001


    Main Points Follow


    Results last season

    ELCA Premier Div: Dragons 2 - 5th

    ELCA Div 1: Dragons 3 - 2nd on points

    ELCA Div 2: Dragons 4 - 1st

    Central League A Div: Dragons A - 2nd

    Central League A Div: Dragons B - 5th

    Central League B Div: Dragons C - 1st

    Allegro: Dragons 1 - 2nd/3rd

    Allegro: Dragons 2 - 1st



    Team Captains and office bearers elected


    17 June 2001

    Hawick Congress

    Challengers (u1900) win by D. Heron with 4 ½ points – the ½ was round 5

    Updated Aug 2012